How to Prepare for Your Interior Photography Session


If you’re new to hiring a professional photographer, get excited—you’re about to feel pretty darn validated in your career choice (that is if you hire the right photographer!).

You may feel lost of anticipation leading up to our session day, but rest easy! Being prepared is a great way to stave off stress. If you follow my suggested below, you’ve done most all you need to make our collaboration successful.

Have a specific question about your upcoming session?

Make Sure the Spaces has Been Freshly CleaneD

As a rule of thumb: if you can see the dust with your naked eye, it will show in the image. Your images will turn out sleek and clean if you make sure floors are mopped, counters are wiped, and windows are dirt-free. Don’t forget the cabinet faces!

Style The Space Before I Get There

If the space is ready to be photographed as soon as I arrive, we can send all our time actually photographing it. But if the room is barely complete, we lose valuable shooting time and end up rushed in the end. Time FLIES when we fuss with styling! So give yourself plenty of time to complete this part before our session time begins. Most of my clients style each space the day before our session.

TIP: If you’re interested in hiring a stylist but don’t know where to start, reach out to me, and I help get you connected with one.

Style for the Focal Point

As we compose each shot, we’ll move styling objects around to best fit the frame and angle. (This is why I show you a preview of each shot I take—so you can perfect your styling). But as you’re preparing for the session, go ahead and style the room according to the focal point, just as you normally would. We will likely be capturing this specific angle anyway since it is, after all, the focal point.


Have your “Before” Pictures ready

I bet you snapped several photos of your project before starting demo. Do you want your completed project photographed from the same angle so you can show the before and after to your Instagram followers? Have those images ready to show me on your phone, and we will make sure we get you what you need for those social media posts.

Dress Comfortably

Unless we are planning to incorporate you into the frame (e.g., headshots, blurred movement), don’t get all fancy for me. We will be on our feet for a while, and it’s totally possible we will have to move that heavy couch out of the way to get the shot. Dress accordingly!

Relax Knowing I Will Guide You Every Step of the Way

Many first-timers feel super anxious about their session. This is VERY NORMAL. It’s hard to know what to expect exactly. (And if we’re photographing your own home, such a personal space adds that much more pressure.) But I truly mean for this process to be fun for you! Take a deep breath and know that together we will photograph your space to be scroll-stopping and publish-ready.


Ready to build your business with professional interior photography?

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